The Appearance Day of Srimati 'Radharani'-2020

         🌸Jai Shri RadheKrishna🌸                          HareKṛṣṇa   Please accept my humble obiesances and wishing everyone a very-very happy Radhashtami.  Today is the most auspicious day for all Krishna's devotees.     🌷 Radhey Radhey bolo   Chale Aayenge Murari🌷 _______________________________________

About Us

               🌹Hare Kṛṣṇa🌹


I and my blog (krsna-consciousness. we both are helping your in increasing Krishna consciousness.

In our blog, I will share you srila prabhupada ji's books in both language English and Hindi, and I will share you more interesting topics on spirituality and  more beautiful PDFs (perhaps which you never seen before). 

You can also join our Telegram channel.

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About me 

I'm not a big man. I am a simple small student. 😊

I am not teaching anything anyone because I am not able for this great position. 

I'm only just helping in increasing krsna consciousness.


By the way we are all equal and we are all friends. so, we should help each other in increasing Krishna consciousness.

When I start reading prabhupada ji's books, I feel very positive vibrations in my entire body. 

I am not advising you to read Prabhupada ji's books, but I pray you that if you are not reading then start reading Prabhupada ji's books



🌹Hare Krishna Hare Krishna Krishna Krishna Hare Hare / Hare Rama Hare Rama Rama Rama Hare Hare 🌹


If I do any mistakes or if you feel this blog is not good you can email me from the page Contact me


Jai Sri Radhe Radhe! 🌷





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